
Java Ranger is a path-merging extension of Symbolic PathFinder

View the Project on GitHub vaibhavbsharma/java-ranger

Understanding Java Ranger’s modes

Java Ranger can be run in 5 different modes as set up the veritestingMode. veritestingMode specifies the path-merging features to be enabled with each higher number adding a new feature to the set of features enabled by the previous number.

We’ve broken Java Ranger’s abilities into these five different modes because our evaluation has shown that path-merging is not always beneficial. Java Ranger’s performance with the replace benchmark is a striking evidence of this phenomenon. Limiting the path-merging capability can sometimes lead to better performance. While we do not currently have a way to find the best mode to set Java Ranger in, running it in all five modes in parallel can potentially lead to the best performance for the time being.