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Observations - Class in gov.nasa.jpf.symbc
Observations() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.Observations
operandNum - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.VeritestingUtil.SpfUtil
optimizedChoices(ThreadInfo, Instruction, StaticBranchChoiceGenerator) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ChoiceGenerator.SamePathOptimization
optimizedRegionPath - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ChoiceGenerator.SamePathOptimization
optimizedReturnPath - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ChoiceGenerator.SamePathOptimization
original - Variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.def.IfThenElseStmt
original - Variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.def.Instruction
outputTable - Variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.transformations.Environment.DynamicRegion
An environment able that holds the vars that needs to be populate their summarized output to SPF.
OutputTable - Class in gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.transformations.Environment
An Environment table that holds all slots that needs to be populated after successful symmetrization of the region.
OutputTable(IR, boolean, SlotParamTable, InputTable, Stmt) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.transformations.Environment.OutputTable
OutputTable(IR, boolean, SlotParamTable, InputTable, Stmt, Pair<Integer, Integer>) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.transformations.Environment.OutputTable
OutputTable(boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.transformations.Environment.OutputTable
outputTable - Variable in class gov.nasa.jpf.symbc.veritesting.ast.transformations.ssaToAst.StaticRegion
An Environment table that holds the output of the region that needs to be popluated later to SPF upon successful veritesting.
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